Refund Policies


Prior to and including the first day of classes 100% refund
After first day of classes up to and including 10th day of classes 90% refund
After 10th day of classes up to and including 20th day of classes 75% refund
After 20th day of classes up to and including 30th day of classes 50% refund
After 30th day of classes up to and including 40th day of classes 25% refund
After 40th day of classes NO REFUND

8-Week Terms

Zero up to and including 25% of class meetings 100% refund
After 26% of class meetings up to and including 37% of class meetings 75% refund
After 38% of class meetings up to and including 50% of class meetings 50% refund
After 50% of class time NO REFUND