National Scholastic Societies

Alpha Psi Omega

The Kappa cast is the Ottawa chapter of Alpha Psi Omega, a national dramatics fraternity. Membership is conferred on those who have done outstanding work in drama.

Alpha Sigma Lambda

Alpha Sigma Lambda is a national honor society for non-traditional students. The chapter at Ottawa University is called Omicron Upsilon which was founded and chartered April 13, 2007.

Phi Kappa Theta

Phi Kappa Theta, the national history honor society, is represented at The College by the Mu Omicron Chapter, which was chartered in May 1967. Membership is open to all students interested in the past and its impact on the problems of today. Eligibility is established by superior grades in history courses.

Pi Kappa Delta

Pi Kappa Delta, the largest national forensic fraternity, was founded at The College in 1913. The College is proud to continue as the Alpha Chapter of Pi Kappa Delta. The Ottawa Chapter sponsors a varied program of speech activities.

Sigma Alpha Honor Society

Sigma Alpha was established as a local honors society at The College in 1941. Membership in Sigma Alpha is available only to students at The College who rank in the top 10 percent of the senior class and the top 2 percent of the junior class. Its present purposes are:

  • To promote and encourage concern for intellectual issues on the University campus.
  • To give visible focus to a concern for high academic achievement.
  • To recognize those students who have attained distinction in Ottawa University’s academic program.

Kappa Delta Pi

Omega Omicron is OU's chapter of the International Honor Society in Education.  The honor society was established to foster excellence in education and promote fellowship among those dedicated to teaching.  Society members recognize and honor achievement; strive to a high degree of professional fellowship, leadership, and growth in the field of education; and serve their students and educational community.