Documents Needed After Admission

(To generate the I-20 -application for student visa status)

  • Statement of financial support and official bank statement verifying your statement of financial support information. You must document sufficient funds to cover first-year expenses at Ottawa University. Students will be required to pay the total amount due for each semester by the first day of classes.

When all academic documents mentioned above have been received, the admission committee will review the file. The student will be notified of the committee’s decision and your financial award, if applicable. Students will be expected to notify The College of their acceptance of the award and intention to enroll for the upcoming academic year. At this point, students will be sent housing and course registration information, which may be returned via mail, fax or e-mail.

I-20 Form

Students will be expected to send the statement of financial support and official bank statements from parents or guardians in order for the institution to begin preparing the I-20 form. The I-20 form will be needed to obtain a student visa.

Please contact Dr. Murle Mordy at 785-229-1072 for estimated expenses.