Adult Professional and Online Sites

Refund Policy

The institutional refund policy in effect when a student drops a single course or completely withdraws from all courses during a period of enrollment is based on a combination of the student’s last date of attendance (LDA) in the given course and the length of that course. 


3 Weeks & Under Course:

               If the student attends any portion of the course (LDA recorded)     =                 NO Refund


               If the student does NOT attend the course (no LDA recorded)         =             100% Refund


4 to 8 Weeks Course:

The refund will be calculated based on the LDA with the following WEEKLY schedule:

                Through Drop Period (Monday of Week 2)                                           =             100% Refund

                Week 2 of Course (Tue -Sun)                                                                   =               75% Refund

                Week 3 of Course (Mon-Sun)                                                                   =                 50% refund

                Remainder of term (Mon-through end of course)                           =      NO refund


**Refer to appropriate chart for further clarification(included as attachment)

Any outstanding balances owed to Ottawa University will be deducted prior to issuance of any credit balance refund to the student.

 ‘No Show’ Refund policy:

Students who have never attended any sessions of a pre-registered class or submitted a withdrawal form constitutes a No-Show withdrawal and 100% tuition will be refunded.