Religious Life at The College

The religious life programs and activities of Ottawa University are designed to strengthen and broaden the faith of students, faculty and staff in keeping with the mission statement of the school. The University makes an effort to encourage individual growth and community interaction as issues of faith are explored. During the programs and activities, contemporary concerns and time-honored traditions are discussed regarding one’s faith development. The campus minister administers the formal program of religious activities in conjunction with student groups, campus ministry intern and religious life council. Student-led Campus Ministry Groups:

  • Christian Faith in Action (CFA) – a worship-based group that meets weekly for worship.
  • Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) – which meets weekly for recreation and devotion.
  • GOTCHA (Get Off The Couch and Help Another) –a mission-based group that meets weekly to do service projects on and off campus.
  • Surge Ministries – an outreach-based group that performs monthly campus outreach and travels to American Baptist Churches to serve in worship through videos and skits.
  • Braving Discipleship – a student-led weekend retreat for high school students.