Course offers early experiences for students contemplating a career in teaching physical education in public schools. Course includes lectures, reflective narratives, observations, and peer teaching activity sessions. Content includes but is not limited to introduction to physical education planning, assessments, and standards of teaching and learning related to appropriate practice and philosophical perspectives. Other topics include the opportunity to examine personal values and potential for a career in teaching physical education.
Course is an overview of motor learning and development with an emphasis on basic development principles, terms, issues, and theoretical approaches. Cognitive and perceptual changes and characteristics associated with motor development are examined. Competencis related to application of motor development concepts in instructional settings including assessment and evaluation of motor abilities and planning of developmentally appropriate movement experiences that fit the developmental needs of individuals across the lifespan are addressed.
Introduces the prevention, care and rehabilitation of athletic injuries. Learn to evaluate injuries common to sports, as well as preventative taping and wrapping of different anatomical joints.
Covers fundamental principles of nutrition. Nutritional requirements of the human discussed for major segments of the life span. Interrelationship of various nutrients also discussed. CROSS LISTED WITH BIO 21443
Theory of coaching, officiating and administering intramural, recreational and interscholastic football programs. Field work required.
Theory of coaching, officiating and administering intramural, recreational and interscholastic volleyball programs. Field work required.
Covers principles of teaching rules, strategies and skill performance in badminton, volleyball, soccer and soccer-type games.
Theory of coaching, officiating and administering intramural, recreational and interscholastic track programs. Field work required.
Theory of coaching, officiating and administering intramural, recreational and interscholastic soccer programs. Field work required.
Covers principles of teaching rules, strategies and skill performance in basketball, tennis, tumbling and gymnastics and softball type games.
Theory of coaching, officiating and administering intramural, recreational and interscholastic basketball programs. Field work required.
Course is designed to be beneficial for the teacher of physical education, for instructors in recreational settings, and for coaches involved with high school or college teams. Topics include theory and administration of recreational and interscholastic softball and baseball programs.