Student Life - Adult Campuses and Online

Ottawa University is noted for its student-centered curriculum and its emphasis on students’ goals and needs as the key factor in a college education. The University will help students to articulate academic goals and to meet those goals. The University anticipates student initiative and expects students to take a proactive role in their education. Students are expected to be familiar with the procedures in the student handbook, the University catalog and other publications and to conform to them. The student, not the University or a member of the faculty, has primary responsibility for meeting degree requirements. Students are expected to become knowledgeable about the University’s degree requirements, academic policies and procedures (including deadlines), and financial policies and procedures.

Registration and enrollment imply an agreement on the part of the student to conform to the regulations and procedures of the University. Failure to meet current obligations to the University, financial or otherwise, may lead to a refusal to issue a diploma or transcript or to dismissal, suspension or withdrawal from the institution. It is assumed that students of the University will behave in a manner that will respect the rights and welfare of students, faculty and staff of the University. Conduct contrary to responsible behavior includes such actions as:

  • Academic dishonesty.
  • Theft of, or damage to, the property of another person or of the University, or property being leased by the University.
  • Physical or verbal harassment or abuse of another person, as well as threatening or attempting to inflict injury, or a substantial risk to another person.
  • Disruption of the educational process including behavior that inhibits or prevents faculty and staff from carrying out their institutional functions and/or other students from learning.
  • Violation of drug and alcohol abuse policies.

Conduct contrary to responsible behavior may lead to refusal to issue a diploma or transcript or to dismissal, suspension or withdrawal from the institution. Policies and other statements are provided in the student handbook at each campus. Please contact your local campus for additional information.