No Credit
A grade of No Credit (NC) may be assigned by the instructor of record when a student has participated in at least fifty-one per cent (51%) of a term/course. However, any subsequent change
of the NC to a letter grade may only take place within one calendar year after the end of the term
in which the course was originally offered and with the following criteria:
1) Student was unable to complete the course requirements due to extreme circumstances
beyond the student’s control (death in family, etc.).
2) Sole responsibility to successfully complete and submit remaining class requirements for
evaluation by the instructor of record belongs to the student.
3) An “NC” means that the student has committed to finishing course requirements within
one year after the completion of the term and has provided rationale in writing to the
instructor prior to the end of term in which they were enrolled.
4) For a grade of “NC” to be changed to a letter grade the student must successfully complete
all course requirements as determined by the instructor of record.
5) If the grade of “NC” is not changed by the instructor of record within the one year
deadline, then the grade of “NC” will become a permanent part of the student’s academic
record and the student must re-enroll and repay to earn credit for the course.