An investigation of advanced inquiry learning theories and curriculum design related to choral, general, and instrumental music teaching situations. Field experience provides opportunities for observation of area teachers and implementation of curriculum with area students.
A continuation of applied practice and investigation of advanced inquiry learning theories and curriculum design related to choral, general, and instrumental music teaching situations. Field experience provides opportunities for observaction of practicing teachers and implementation of curriculum with area students.
Research and analyze music through performance. Topics covered will change each term. Study will be divided among historical and analytical readings, conversation, historical and theoretical analysis of recorded and live music performances, and in-class performance. A final project will combine scholarly work, synthesis, and performance in the form of a lecture-recital or collaborative innovative project.
A continuation of research and analyze music through performance. Topics covered will change each term. Study will be divided among historical and analytical readings, conversation, historical and theoretical analysis of recorded and live music performances, and in-class performance. A final project will combine scholarly work, synthesis, and performance in the form of a lecture-recital or collaborative innovative project.
Course examines theoretical and new trend uses of technology for music teaching, including student interaction with technology, multimedia principles, and technology-infused music curricula. Design a technology enhanced curricular unit of music study and implement that unit in an applied context.