2018-2019 Catalog Addendum

2018-2019 Catalog Addendum

Change in description of transcription of credits

The Health Care Management major offers two tracks. 

The Clinical Track is for students who enter OU with prior education, such as an Associate's degree in a technical health care discipline.  The Associate's degree will take precedence over a license or registry in evaluating and transcribing student credits.   If a student has a  license/registry, and not an Associate’s degree, the license/registry will take precedence.  Students can meet the criteria for the clinical track if they fulfill one or both criteria:

1.         Has earned an associate's degree in a technical clinical discipline;


2.         Possesses a license/registry in a technical clinical discipline.

The Non-Clinical Track is designed to assist individuals interested in health care management/administration who do not hold a clinical license or registry. Individuals interested in administrative, management, sales, insurance, and reimbursement professions related to health care will find valuable preparation in the Non-Clinical Track.

Change of title for two-degree programs

The MAED in School Psychology (Master of Arts in Education – School Psychology) is now an Ed.S. (Education Specialist) effective January 1, 2019.

The MAC (Master of Arts in Addiction Counseling) is now an MSC (Master of Science in Addiction Counseling) effective January 1, 2019.

Program Changes

Education Specialist Changes

            /edc-7012'>EDC 7012           Educational Statistics Methods (3)

Overview of common statistical techniques used in educational research, univariate, bivariate, z-test, and t-tests (one & two sample). Introduction to Analysis of Variance, exploration of non-parametric tests like: Pearson r, Spearman rho, and Chi-Square tests.

            /edc-8012'>EDC 8012           Evidence-Based Practices School Psychology (3)

This course provides a review of evidence-based practices and interventions that are used in schools to improve the academic, emotional, and behavioral functioning of children and adolescents. Concepts (including: data-based decision making, problem solving, and multi-tiered systems of supports) are integrated to provide students with the skills needed to identify, analyze, and address problems and selecting interventions that promote positive impacts on individuals, groups, and systems.

Education Department Additions

EDU 31034         Lesson Planning (1)

This course will provide the learner with the necessary skill set to develop comprehensive lessons that incorporate the components of the Essential Elements of Instruction. The lessons will align with the state content and language standards to ensure all students have access to the learning.

EDU 32300         Classroom Management (1)

The purpose of this course is to explore best practices of effective classroom management by providing teachers with research-based strategies that create successful learning environments. Emphasis will be given on creating positive expectations for student success, establishing classroom rules and procedures, and implementing disciplinary interventions.

Master of Business Administration – Executive – Restricted Enrollment Changes

/bus-7700'>BUS 7700          This course was inadvertently left off the Operational Effectiveness concentration and is here-by being added as a requirement for students in the 2018-2019 catalog.

Nursing Changes

NRSG 7605        A sentence was added to the current course description: “Validation of advanced clinical expertise in a selected nursing specialty area is required as a significant value for nurse educators.”