Refund Policy

The refund policy in effect when a student drops a single course or completely withdraws from all courses during a period of enrollment varies depending on which campus the student attends, which program they are enrolled in and whether they are a financial aid recipient. The examples on the following pages are sample institutional policies. The percentages calculated are based on the number of days of classes. Courses that do not meet are treated as those with standard schedules:


Additional State and Federal refund policies may apply. Federal refund calculations will be calculated for financial aid recipients who withdraw from all courses.  Title IV financial aid is refunded in the following order as prescribed by law and regulation.  Examples of the refund calculations are available by contacting the Director of Financial Aid.

  1. Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan

  2. Federal Direct Subsidized Loan

  3. Federal Perkins Loan

  4. Federal Direct PLUS Loan

  5. Federal Pell Grant

  6. Federal SEOG

  7. Federal Teach Grant

  8. Other Federal, State, private or institutional aid

  9. The student

FORCE MAJEURE: In the event that Ottawa University must suspend, close, or adjust operations in response to force majeure, the University is under no obligation to adjust or refund tuition, fees, room/board or other auxiliary costs. All refund policies pertaining to force majeure, remain at the discretion of the University.

In the event that circumstances beyond the University’s control arise which require the University to suspend, close, or adjust certain services such as housing, dining, in-person education, and other operations, the University is under no obligation to adjust or refund tuition, fees or other auxiliary costs. All refund policies pertaining to force majeure remain at the discretion of the University.

For this purpose, “Force Majeure” is defined as any act of God (i.e., fire, tornado, earthquake, flooding, etc.); war, hostilities (declared or undeclared), invasion, act of foreign adversaries, mobilization, requisition or embargo; rebellion, revolution, insurrection, military or usurped power or civil war; contamination by hazardous material; riot, commotion, strikes, disorder; acts or threats of terrorism; plague, epidemic, pandemic, infectious outbreaks, or other public health crises – including quarantine or other public health restrictions; and any act(s) of local, state or governmental that may prohibit or impede the ability of the University to fulfill these obligations. If such impediments occur, the above pro-rated refund schedule may not apply and, instead, the University will provide a good faith estimate of the expected duration and effects caused by the force majeure event, with a primary focus on minimizing disruptions in academic services.