Clubs, Organizations, and Student Senate

Archery Club is dedicated to the education and enjoyment of archery.

Be Brave was established to cultivate Agents of Change within the Ottawa University community. The purpose is to 1) Critically examine social issues impacting college students; 2) Develop resources to educate, empower, and assist members of the Ottawa Community; 3) Promote personal responsibility and ownership in situations where it is important to take action; 4) Advocate respect, kindness, and healthy interactions.

Biology Club increases interest in the field of biology through discussion of relevant topics and taking field trips to educate participants, at the same time raising awareness in the community.

Black Student Union unites OU students, increases awareness of Black culture, and supports Black students. The group plans activities to promote diversity, friendship, and understanding.

Champions of Character encourages the exercise of sportsmanship and integrity in OU athletics.

Campus Activities Board (CAB) plans activities to develop a well-rounded social, educational, and multi-cultural environment for OU students, faculty, and staff.

DECA helps members increase their leadership abilities through resources provided by DECA, Inc. The organization also provides a real world experience through competitive events, projects, and community service as well as connections to DECA Inc.’s wide range of partner corporations.

Diversity Activities Board facilitates a shared knowledge of diversity and cultural competency on the Ottawa Campus and in the Ottawa Community.

Hungry for Change encourages students, faculty, and the community to join the fight against domestic and global hunger through service and programming that highlight OU’s vision and goals.

Math Club provides a social outlet for intellectual members studying and/or relatively interested in mathematics.

Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) is a national organization for students interested in public relations and communications. Membership will help students from all fields enhance their education, broader their networks, and launch their careers.

Student Senate represents the students’ voice to the faculty and administration. The membership of the Senate is comprised of a total of 12 senators and a four member executive team. The Student Body Vice-President presides over the Senate. The Student Body President serves as the liaison among faculty, administrators, and students.

The Student Senate meets regularly to discuss and take action on issues facing OU students. Student Senators work in a committee format to serve the interest of all OU students.

Student Welcoming and Affirming Network (SWAAN) works to enhance the cultural and social climate at Ottawa University and to improve and enrich the lives of those who are Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning (LGBTQ), and straight allies of the community by organizing successful educational, social, outreach, advocacy, and cultural programs and serving as an effective supportive environment for these programs and the organization’s targeted populations.

The Whole Earth Club provides opportunities for cross-cultural experiences on campus and at the same time to promote closer relationships between all students. The club is open to any student, faculty, or staff member of Ottawa University.

Volunteer Services: Many individuals and organizations benefit from OU students who give of their time. The OU campus encourages students to apply their faith through involvement in service opportunities; thus, they are found working with Boy and Girl Scout troops, Big Brothers and Big Sisters organizations, social agencies, nursing homes, churches, etc.