Adult Campuses

During the 1970’s, many adults entered college; however, their access to higher education was limited by work and family responsibilities and difficulties getting to campus-based programs. Ottawa University established its first adult campus in 1974 to serve the educational needs of such students. The first campus opened in the Greater Kansas City area. Ottawa since expanded to Arizona, Wisconsin, and multiple international instructional sites. Ottawa University recognizes what the adult brings to the classroom: self-motivation, knowledge from life and work experience, and an urgency to complete a degree in a timely manner.

Programs at the adult campuses are consistent with the educational philosophy and programs of the residential campus and maintain the same high standards. Programs incorporate the University’s insistence on quality in design and offerings, individual educational planning, service by full-time faculty advisors, an interdisciplinary approach, and emphasis on continuous self-education.

The significant difference between the adult campuses and The College lies in the flexibility of program offerings regarding location and schedule. Ottawa University offers programs leading to baccalaureate and master’s degrees. Students may enter educational programs at various times throughout the year.