External Education Organizations

Straighterline Courses (Fall 2019)

Effective January 1, 2020, Ottawa University will limit the transferability and application of Straighterline courses in all majors to one course per term or semester and cannot be taken consecutively (changed to 12 hours maximum from all external education organizations Fall 2020).  Ottawa University will accept a maximum number of 12 credit hours for an entire degree.  Courses already transferred prior to January 1, 2020, will be honored for the individual student, and sustained for that individual’s graduation requirements, even if the total exceeds 12 credits.  However, if a student has not yet transferred credit by January 1, 2020, this policy will be in effect going forward.  If the student is currently at the maximum credits allowable prior to January 1, 2020, no additional credit beyond January 1, 2020, will be allowed.  This new policy is in addition to the Core-Specific policy directed by the School of Business.

The Angell Snyder School of Business will not consider coursework from Straighterline to be equivalent courses for any of the required business foundation or major courses. 

Effective July 1, 2020, the School of Arts and Sciences will not consider coursework from Straighterline to be equivalent for any course required for any Arts and Sciences major; neither will Straighterline courses be considered equivalent to required courses in the general education Breadth Areas or Liberal Arts Studies sequence. Straighterline courses would remain equivalent for transfer in the case of elective coursework, as allowed by university policy.

Any exceptions to this policy would require the approval of the appropriate School Dean.

Sophia Learning and similar ACE credit providing organizations (Fall 2020)

Effective January 1, 2021, Ottawa University (“OU”) limits the transferability and application of Straighterline, TEL Education, Coursera, Study.com and Sophia courses for all undergraduate majors to one course per term or semester for a total of 12 credit hours from all organizations (effective January 1, 2022) for an entire degree. Students can take a course in an 8-week term but cannot take a course in the 16-week semester at the same time and have that count towards the 12-hour total.  If the student takes a course in the 16-week semester, the student cannot take a course in any of the 8-week terms and have it count towards the 12-hour total. (language clarifying terms/semester added after AAC meeting January 2022).

OU will honor courses already transferred prior to January 1, 2021, to meet graduation requirements, even if total credits exceed 12 hours. If a student is currently at the maximum credits allowed prior to January 1, 2021, the student will receive no additional credits beyond specified date. As of January 1, 2021, this policy is in full effect and supersedes any prior policy going forward.

Credit awards are based on recommendations of the American Council of Education (ACE) whenever possible.  OU does not consider coursework from Straighterline, TEL Education, Sophia, Coursera, or Study.com (effective January 1, 2022) as an equivalent for any required major courses. Furthermore, Sophia, Coursera, TEL Education, and Study.com (effective January 1, 2022), courses are not considered equivalent to any required courses in the General Education Breadth Areas or Liberal Arts Studies sequence. However, TEL Education, Sophia, Coursera, and Study.com (effective January 2022) courses are equivalent and transferrable to satisfy elective requirements as allowed by university policy. 

Any exceptions to this policy require the approval of the appropriate School Dean.

In the future, The University Registrar is obligated to identify other and new organizations providing similar credit.  The University Registrar should bring these new organizations to the attention of the University Academic Council upon discovery.

Clarification of Policy External Education Organizations

Effective January 1, 2021, Ottawa University (“OU”) limits the transferability and application of Straighterline and Sophia courses for all undergraduate majors to one course per term or semester for a total of 12 credit hours from all organizations (effective January 1, 2022) for an entire degree. Students can take a course in an 8-week term but cannot take a course in the 16-week semester at the same time and have that count towards the 12-hour total.  If the student takes a course in the 16-week semester, the student cannot take a course in any of the 8-week terms and have it count towards the 12-hour total.

Effective January 1, 2022, Coursera, TEL Education, and Study.com are included in this policy.  Students can take a course in an 8-week term but cannot take a course in the 16-week semester at the same time and have that count towards the 12-hour total.  If the student takes a course in the 16-week semester, the student cannot take a course in any of the 8-week terms and have it count towards the 12-hour total.

Credit awards are based on recommendations of the American Council of Education (ACE) whenever possible.  OU does not consider coursework from Straighterline, Sophia, Coursera, or Study.com (effective January 1, 2022) as an equivalent for any required major courses. Furthermore, Straighterline, TEL Education, Sophia, Coursera, and Study.com (effective January 1, 2022) courses are not considered equivalent to any required courses in the General Education Breadth Areas or Liberal Arts Studies sequence.