Catalog 2023-2024
Catalog 2023-2024 > Course Descriptions - Undergraduate > HPS - History - Political Science > 20000
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From northern Texas to the Canadian prairie provinces. Examines the physical environment, resources, land use patterns and ethnic cultures of the region. The historical and political development of Kansas plays a central role in the course.
The location and distribution of human cultural patterns throughout the world. Provides an overview of the spatial analysis of earth's human inhabitants, with a comprehensive view of settlement patterns and land use issues, and introduces the landscape as a cultural text.
Experience aspects of the discipline through a semester long practicum.
Introduces historical study of the beginnings and development of human culture and institutions, western and non-western. Basic introduction to historical study.
Examines development of civilization, western and non-western, in the modern era. Analysis of political, economic and cultural revolutions that have created contemporary culture and its tensions.