Catalog 2023-2024
Catalog 2023-2024 > Undergraduate Offerings > Majors
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Accounting - BA (61 hours total)
Addiction Counseling - BS - (39 hours total)
Applied Psychology - BA - Ottawa, KS (37 hours total)
Applied Psychology - BS - Ottawa (58 hours total)
Art - BA - Ottawa (43 hours total)
Art Education - BA - Ottawa (73 hours total)
Biology - BA - Ottawa (47 hours total)
Biology - BS (63 hours total)
Business Administration - BA - Online (54 hours total)
Business Administration - BS (57 hours total)
Business Economics - BA (51 hours total)
Christian Studies and Ministry - BA (39 hours total)
Communication - BA (42 hours total)
Computer Science Technology - BS
Education - BA - Arizona
Education - BA - Kansas
Curriculum and Instruction - Elementary Education (30 hours total)
Curriculum and Instruction - Secondary Education - BA (30 credits total)
Elementary Education - BA - Arizona - Kansas - Online (55-60 hours total)
Engineering - BS (41 hours total)
English - BA (33 hours total)
Exercise Science - BA (43 hours total)
Exercise Science - BS (55-56 hours total)
Finance - BS (54 hours total)
Health Care Management - BA (50-54 hours total)
History - BA (52 hours total)
Human Resources - BA (53 hours total)
Human and Social Services - BA (46 hours total)
Human Services - BA (43 hours total)
Leadership and Management - BA (55 hours total)
Management Of Information Systems - BA (52 hours total)
Management of Information Systems - BS - (53 hours total)
Marketing - BA - Ottawa and Surprise (50 hours total)
Mathematics - BA (44 hours total)
Mathematics - BS (58 hours total)
Music - BA - Ottawa (51 hours total)
Music - BM (total hours varies by concentration)
Music Education - BME (92-94 hours total)
Nursing - BSN Pre-Licensure - Kansas City
Nursing - BSN (47 hours total)
Philosophy, Politics and Economics - BA - Ottawa (34 hours total)
Physical Education - BA (74 hours total)
Psychology - BA (35 hours total)
Public Safety - BS (40 hours total)
Secondary Education Certification /Licensure Only - Arizona and Kansas
Secondary Education - Biology - BA- Ottawa and Arizona (70-75 credits total)
Secondary Education - Business - BA - Arizona and Kansas
Secondary Education - English - BA - Arizona and Kansas
Secondary Education - History - BA - Arizona and Kansas
Secondary Education - Mathematics - BA - Arizona and Kansas
Secondary Education - Music - BA - Arizona
Sociology - BA (42 hours total)
Sport Leadership - BA (38 hours total)