
An Incomplete may be assigned by the instructor of record if the following criteria are met:

• The student has participated in at least fifty-one per cent (51%) of a term/course.

• The student’s academic performance in the class to date has been at least a C level in the course.

• The student was unable to complete the course requirements due to extreme circumstances beyond the student's control (death in the family, etc.). OR, the student was approved by the Disabilities Services Coordinator for an ADA Disability Accommodation dealing with automatic time extensions past regular assignment deadlines that include the need for extended time beyond the end-of-the-term. OR, the student is participating in a University sponsored event that prevents completing the course on time.

To assign an incomplete the instructor of record and the student must complete and submit to the Registrar the Incomplete Contract no later than the last day of the term. The instructor must include a deadline no later than six months after the completion of the term in which the course was offered. If the incomplete is not changed to a letter grade by the instructor of record by the deadline set in the Incomplete Contract, the Registrar’s Office will assign the grade the student earned without completing the additional coursework as indicated on the Incomplete Contract.

Sole responsibility to successfully complete and submit remaining class requirements for evaluation by the instructor of record belongs to the student.