School of Education - Admission - AZ and KS

Prospective education students are expected to apply to the School of Education during  EDU 30100 Foundations of a Diverse Society.  This occurs through direct consultation with their academic advisor. Students who have not been fully accepted into the Education School and continue to take courses are doing so at their own risk. Students will not be able to move forward into their methods core without School Dean or designee approval until fully accepted. Students who are initially denied can reapply one more time if deficiencies are met within one year.

The preferred first course for an education major is EDU 20100 Educational Psychology.  This introductory course provides an overview of the status of education today and affords an opportunity for the teacher candidate to apply for admission to the Teacher Education Program. In this course, the Teacher Education Program Handbook will be distributed and reviewed.

Below outlines the needed documents and data for each Phase of the program.

Orientation meeting within the EDU 30100 Foundations of Schools in a Diverse Society course:

  • Application Form
  • Official Transcripts
  • Reference Check Information Sheet
  • Licensure/Certification Agreement (MOU) Form
  • Health Form (KS Only)
  • Background Check (KS Only)
  • IVP Card (AZ Only)
  • Preparedness Survey (completed with advisor or during orientation)

Phase One:

  • Sign Handbook Agreement (MOU)
  • Disposition: Professional Knowledge and Professionalism Evaluation

Phase Two (Practicum and Observation):

  • Final grade of B or higher in Teaching Profession I
  • Overall GPA of 2.8 or higher
  • Basic Skills Assessment
  • Pedagogical and Content Knowledge: Instructional Planning Evaluation
  • Submit time log, diversity form, and lesson evaluations

Phase Three (Student Teaching):

  • Overall GPA of 2.8 or higher
  • Pedagogical and Content Knowledge: Instructional Delivery Evaluation
  • Health Form (KS Only)
  • Completion of state-required testing
  • Submit Time Log, Diversity Form, and Lesson Evaluations
  • Receive Student Teaching Certificate
  • Complete Volunteer Hours Form

Phase Four (Exit from Student Teaching):

  • Overall GPA of 2.8 or higher
  • Pedagogical: Assessment and Learning Environment Evaluation
  • Portfolio (TWS and OU Outcomes) completion
  • Background Check (KS Only)
  • IVP Card (AZ Only)
  • Pass all state-required exams as indicated prior to student teaching
  • Data collected from observations and teaching (responses submitted by University Supervisor and mentor teachers)
  • Upon conferral, apply for state recommendation (AZ Institutional Review or KS Licensure Review)
  • Complete state recommendation application and approval within 45 days of Review acceptance by the state

Students in this program must reside (or plan to seek initial licensure or certification) in States or Territories whose licensure or certification requirements are satisfied by this curriculum; all students are encouraged to consult the Professional Licensure Disclosure page on the University's website for details.