Special Charges

Special fees apply in the following categories:

Replacement or Lost ID

A $10 fee is assessed for a broken/replacement student ID card.  A $25 fee is assessed for a lost student ID card.

OUAZ Student Fee

The student fee is used to help fund student clubs and organizations, provide travel opportunity and to upgrade equipment and facilities.

No refunds of this fee can be given after first day of classes.

6 or more credit hours per semester

$1,700 per semester

5 or less credit hours per semester

$1,250 per semester


Student Teaching

Students having a practice teaching assignment (EDU 49000, EDU 49500) pay an additional fee of $430 for added coordination expenses. Special placement of student teachers may result in a higher charge.

Conferral Fee

The University assesses a conferral fee of $200 at the time the student registers for their culminating class in their respective program (graduate capstone courses). This fee covers the costs associated with graduation (diploma, diploma cover, cap, gown, etc.) for graduates. This fee is assessed whether or not the student chooses to participate in a commencement ceremony.

Replacement Diploma/Certificate Fee

Students may request a replacement diploma/certificate by contacting the Registrar Specialist at 913-266-8641. Cost is $35 fee per diploma/certificate. The diploma/certificate will be replaced with the current style and with current signatures. Name changes will require a valid documentation as indicated under Name/Address Changes.

Returned Check Charge

The University accepts checks in payment of an obligation. If the student has had checks returned in the past or the student cannot be properly identified, the University refuses to accept a check in payment of an obligation. No post-dated checks are accepted. Checks are not to be held for deferred deposit. A returned check fee of $30 is assessed for all returned checks.

Transcript Fee

An official transcript may be ordered through Parchment.  $15 is assessed for each electronic transcript. $20 is assessed for each mailed paper transcript. Additional fees are charged for expedited processing and shipping. Contact the Office of the Registrar to order a paper transcript.