Catalog 2024-2025
Catalog 2024-2025 > Course Descriptions - Graduate > EDF - Education Foundations - Grad > 7000
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Evaluate key learning theories and environmental factors in relationship to student motivation; in order to advocate, nurture, and sustain the behavioral and academic success of students.
Explore the historical and philosophical foundations of education in order to evaluate educational trends and create a personal philosophy of education while practicing the profession with intentionality.
A comprehensive investigation concerning the identification, support, and resources necessary for supporting families and children/students with exceptionalities. Utilizing a team-based approach, candidates will construct strategies for creating programs that advocate for and sustain an instructional program conducive to student learning and staff professional growth.
Examine the role of the counselor in elementary, secondary and community college settings including counselor, advisor, educator, advocate and consultant. Study of exemplary models of school counseling programs effective with changing populations.
Evaluate the relevance of educational research to curriculum improvement, federal and state policies, systematic processes, and instructional and assessment strategies. Apply various research methods within educational environments at multiple levels.
Examine the guidelines and professional educator standards. Analyze, engage in and demonstrate aspects of reflective practice, critical perspectives, and making informed and decisions. Learn about advocating for sound educational practices and policies.