Outcomes for Graduate Study

The University-wide outcomes for graduate programs were designed as an active expression of the Ottawa University mission and purposes. They were developed by faculty and formally adopted by the university's governance structure. The overall guiding purpose of graduate study is to provide adult-oriented, practical and professional programs:

  • To prepare individuals for master’s level professional positions in a given field.
  • To improve opportunities for individuals seeking advancement within the field.
  • To prepare individuals to make parallel moves into related fields and specialties.

Program emphasis is on the reflective practitioner with course content designed to focus on real-life, values oriented practices within the field. Entrance requirements reflect the desire to accommodate working adults who make career choices later in life, and have related work experience.

All Ottawa University graduate programs have in common five general outcomes that relate to intellectual and professional development.

To demonstrate cognitive development, graduate students will:

  • Analyze, integrate and apply theories, research and to plan and serve effectively within one’s professional field of study.
  • Acquire knowledge of laws, ethics and values and apply this knowledge to make decisions appropriate to one’s professional practice.
  • Communicate effectively as professionals.

To demonstrate affective development, graduate students will:

  • Demonstrate an understanding of the value of continued and professional development.
  • Model Ottawa University values and culture by practicing respect, encouragement and support within and the learning community.