OUMW Residential-Ottawa and OUAZ Residential-Surprise

In the event a student withdraws from or drops hours enrolled at the University, a refund of charges paid may be due subject to the current campus refund policy. There is a specific procedure to follow in order to withdraw from the University. The student must initiate the request to withdraw by contacting their Adawe Advisor/Mentor who will then work to determine if an intervention team is needed to evaluate the reason for the withdrawal. In the event the withdrawal is completed, the Adawe Advisor/Mentor will facilitate the process by ensuring that all necessary student service departments are notified in order to provide guidance to the exiting student as needed.

Refund calculations will be determined by following the residential campus refund policy. Refunds are based on the amount of time elapsed in the term. Please check with the Office of Financial Aid or Chief Operating Officer/Business Office for further information.