Catalog 2024-2025
Catalog 2024-2025 > Graduate Offerings > Programs
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Doctor of Business Administration (56 hours)
Education Specialist in School Psychology - Arizona (69 hours total)
Master of Accountancy (30 hours total)
Master of Arts in Education
Master of Arts in Education - Athletic Administration (36 hours total)
Master of Arts in Education with a Concentration in Curriculum and Instruction (30 hours total)
Master of Arts in Education with a Concentration in Elementary Education Unified Kansas (licensing program) - (36 hours total)
Master of Arts in Education with a Concentration in Elementary Education - (36 hours total)
Master Of Arts In Education with a Concentration in Learning Technologies (30 hours total)
Master of Arts in Education with a Concentration in Educational Leadership - Arizona and Kansas (36 hours total)
Master of Arts in Education with a Concentration in School Counseling - Arizona & Kansas (36-48 hours total)
Master of Arts in Education with a Concentration in Secondary Education (30 credit hours)
Master of Arts in Counseling (60-63 hours total)
Master of Arts In Human Resources (36 hours total)
Master of Arts in Leadership (33 hours total)
Master of Business Administration (36-39 hours total)
Dual Degree MBA-MAHR
Master of Business Administration - Executive (42 hours) - Restricted Enrollment
MBA Program (Global) - Restricted Enrollment (36 hours total)
Master of Science in Addiction Counseling (36 hours total)
Master of Science in Applied Psychology (39 hours total)
Master of Science in Computer Science (42 hours total)
Master of Science Nursing