MAT - Mathematics
For two hours each week, individually and in small groups, students work with a mathematics specialist on assignments in MAT 10743 Foundations of Mathematics. The hands-on approach of a lab course is designed for close assessment and tangible improvement of mathematics skills and habits. Students taking this course should be enrolled in its corequisite, MAT 10743 Foundations of Mathematics; as a supplementary lab for MAT 10743, this course does not count toward graduation.
MAT 10743 Foundations of Mathematics
Emphasizes algebraic skill development such as linear and quadratic equations, rational exponents, radicals and systems of equations. Designed to prepare students for college level mathematics.
Topics covered include number theory, geometries, introductory calculus, and introductory probability and statistics. Emphasis on developing student's skills with comprehending, gaining familiarity and working with mathematical concepts.
Emphasizes problem solving techniques using algebraic concepts. The focus of the course is directed toward exploring how algebra is used in the social and physical sciences. Topics covered include fundamental concepts of algebra, equations, and inequalities, functions and graphs, systems of linear equations, exponential and logarithmic equations, composition and inverse functions.
Offers a broad survey of mathematical topics stressing mathematical principle over an in-depth analysis. Topics covered include an introduction to problem solving and critical thinking, set theory, logic, consumer mathematics, counting methods and the fundamentals of probability, voting and apportionment, and an introduction to graph theory. Prerequisite: Score of 16 on non-math track initial placement or MAT 10043 Intermediate Algebra (or equivalent).
Offers an intuitive approach to the algebraic and trigonometric concepts used in calculus. Topics covered include functions and their graphs, zeros of polynomials, solving exponential and logarithm equations, analytic trigonometry, and trigonometric application. Prerequisite: MAT 10443 Intermediate College Algebra or score of 7 on math placement exam math track.
Offers an intuitive exposure to mathematical concepts useful in a wide variety of disciplines. The course focuses on concepts associated with propositional logic. Prerequisite: Score of 16 on math placement exam non-math track or Score of 7 on math placement exam math track or MAT 10443 Intermediate Algebra.
Offers the student an intuitive introduction to descriptive and inferential statistics. Topics covered include data organization, averages and variation, elementary probability theory, binomial and normal probability distributions, Central Limit Theorem, estimation, hypothesis testing, linear regression and correlation. Prerequisite: Score of 16 on non-math track initial placement or MAT 10443 Intermediate Algebra.
Focuses on basic mathematics skills, business mathematics applications and problem solving strategies. Concepts include properties of real numbers, fundamental operations of rational numbers, fractions, decimals, percents, numerical and graphical descriptions of data, basic probability and logical thinking.
First in a series of three courses that offers an intuitive approach to the major concepts and techniques of single-variable calculus. Topics include limits, continuity, derivatives of elementary functions and their application, extrema, optimization, elementary integration applications, the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, and l'Hospital's rule. Prerequisite: Score of 16 on math-track initial placement OR a "C" or better in MAT 11143 Precalculus.
Second course in a series of three courses that offers an intuitive approach to the major concepts and techniques of single-variable calculus. Topics covered include techniques of integration, integration applications, first-order linear and first-order separable differential equations, sequences, series, convergence tests, power series, and the calculus of parametric and polar equations. Prerequisite: A "C" or better in MAT 21044 Calculus I (or equivalent).
Developmental course on the abstraction of vector spaces and linear transformations. Topics to be covered include vector spaces, linear transformations, systems of linear equations, matrices and their properties, determinants, quadratic forms, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, the Gram-Schmidt process, and the Jordan canonical form. Prerequisite: A "C" or better in MAT 21044 Calculus I (or equivalent).
Introduces the student of mathematics to formal proof using geometric properties. The course explores problem solving strategies using geometry, formal synthetic Euclidean geometry, and informal non-Euclidian geometrics. Prerequisite: A "C" or better in MAT 21044 Calculus I (or equivalent).
History of Mathematics is an online reading course for education majors and anyone with an interest in mathematics and mathematicians that have helped shape our world today. The reading examines how diverse cultures and history from antiquity to the eighteenth century have shaped the development of mathematical thought and how these mathematical ideas have influenced history and society.
Offers a conceptual introduction to the fundamental concepts of interest theory and financial derivatives. Topics covered include present and accumulated values for various cash flows as a basis for reserving, valuation, pricing, asset liability management, investment income, capital budgeting, contingent cash flows, options, hedging strategies, and no-arbitrage derivations. Prerequisite: MAT 21144 Calculus II.
Emphasizes the enhancement of the student's ability to write and comprehend mathematical proof. The course takes a rigorous look at standard methods of proof and their validity. Prerequisite: A "C" or better in both MAT 20043 Discrete Mathematics and MAT 21144 Calculus II.
Third course in a series of three courses that offers an intuitive approach to major concepts and techniques of multi-variable calculus. Topics to be covered include differential and integral calculus of functions of several variables, partial differentiation, LaGrange multipliers, vector fields, line integrals, linear second-order differential equations and associated applications. Prerequisite: A "C" or better in MAT 21144 Calculus II.
An intuitive study of calculus based probability and its application to inferential statistics. Topics covered include discrete, continuous, and bivariate random variables and their distribution, expectations, conditional expectation, Bayes' Rule, moment generating functions, covariance, variance, distributions for functions of random variables, order statistics and their distribution, correlation, and least squares regression modeling. Prerequisite: A "C" or better in MAT 21144 Calculus II (or equivalent).
Offers a calculus based intuitive treatment of inferential statistics structure. Applications include point estimation, single parameter and two-sample hypothesis testing, power, Neyman-Pearson Lemma, p-value, beta, ANOVA, randomized block analysis and design, Goodness-of-Fit, Wilcoxon Sign test, Mann-Whitney U test, Friedman Test, Kruskal-Wallis H Test, and rank correlation coefficient. Prerequisite: A "C" or better in MAT 31143 Probability (or equivalent).
Explores various techniques for finding solutions to first- and second-order differential equations. Topics covered include first-order differential equations, first-order systems, linear systems, nonlinear systems, Laplace Transforms, and the Runge-Kutta numerical method. Prerequisite: A "C" or better in MAT 21144 Calculus II (or equivalent).
Actuaries in the U.S. and Canada achieve professional status by passing a set of examinations and other requirements prescribed by the Casualty Actuarial Society (CAS) or the Society of Actuaries (SOA). This capstone Actuarial Seminar course requires the student register for and successfully complete one of the first two preliminary exams: the P/1 Probability Exam or the FM/2 Financial Mathematics Exam. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
Develops rigorous understanding of algebraic structures. Students construct and critique proof of properties concerning finite groups, finite simple groups, rings, integral domains, fields, polynomial rings, ring factorization, extension fields, finite fields, Sylow Theorems, and Lagrange's Theorem. Prerequisite: A "C" or better in MAT 30243 Transitions to Higher Mathematics.
This course introduces the theory of functions of a complex variable. Topics include the study of analytic functions, The Cauchy-Riemann equations, logarithmic and other elementary functions of a complex variable, integration of complex functions, the Cauchy integral theorem and its consequences, conformal mappings, power series expansions, residue theorem and applications of definite integrals as they related to mathematical, physics and/or engineering problems.
Introduces numerical techniques and algorithms fundamental to scientific computer work including discussion of error, roots of equations, interpolation, systems of equations, numerical integration and methods of solution of ordinary differential equations. Prerequisite: MAT 21144 Calculus II.
This course introduces the theory of partial differential equations, including diffusion, elliptic and hyperbolic, using mathematical tools, real-world examples and applications. Topics include a derivation of the wave equation, Laplace equation, heat equation, Fourier series and integrals, boundary value problems, Bessel functions and Legendre polynomials, and numerical methods for approximating solutions.
Introduces the student of mathematics to university instruction of an advanced undergraduate mathematics course. The course offered will be chosen from the following and determined by mutual consent of instructor and students with interest at point of offering. Students in the online program take Complex Analysis. Prerequisite: A "C" or better in MAT 30243 Transition to Higher Mathematics.
Topic Choices:
Develops the theory of calculus carefully and rigorously from basic principles, giving the student of mathematics the ability to construct, analyze and critique mathematical proofs in analysis. Prerequisite: A "C" or better in MAT 30243 Transitions to Higher Mathematics.
Capstone course that evaluates comprehensive knowledge of undergraduate mathematics. Assessment includes narrative from student describing his/her understanding of the program's learning objectives, comprehensive assessment of intuitive undergraduate mathematics, and a research component whereby the student submits some original mathematics. Prerequisite: Completion of all required major courses or consent of instructor.