OAD - Business Admininstration
Analysis of issues and techniques necessary to understand, plan and manage individual and family personal finances. Topics covered include opportunity costs, investment, taxes, cost/use of credit, cost/use of various types of insurance, housing and transportation decisions and retirement and estate planning. Particular emphasis on personal cash flow forecasting and management.
Focuses on the role of E-commerce in global business, including implications for business strategy, marketing, and global expansion. Included technical (IT) considerations.
Introduction to the theory and practice of production management as a functional area in the strategic management of operations and manufacturing in domestic and international companies. Examines problems encountered in planning, operating, and controlling production of goods and services. Other topics include the two major areas of production and operations management, operation system design, and operation and control of systems.
Examines the role of personal values and insight in the creation of companies and their ongoing management. This course explores the meaning of being an entrepreneur and how to combine idea (vision) and action (strategy) for personal and business success.
Examines the role of an organizational leader. Assesses individual skills and discusses the role of a leader in managing teams through environmental and organizational change. Includes extensive application exercises designed to develop leadership skills.
Study of human behavior in work organizations. Focuses on individual satisfaction and motivation as related to organizational structure, nature of task and locus of power. Topics include small group formation, maintenance, organizational conflict, communications and leadership.
Research shows emotional intelligence (EI) is more important than IQ in determining outstanding job performance. Examines variety of instruments and writings used to build EI in workplace.
Examines development and continuing changes in legislative and judicial influence on the workplace. Special emphasis given to NLRB, OSHA, EEOC, and DOL agencies.
Examines and develops skills in different dispute resolution methods. Topics include: mediation, MED ARB, problem solving, grievance handling, listening skills, fact finding and body language.
Discusses process for managing organizations including planning, organizing, leading and evaluating. Examines administrative role in organizations and concepts relevant to its function and historical development of administrative thought.
Focuses on basic methods of research design and analysis of data including descriptive and inferential statistics. Topics include mean, median, mode, frequency distribution, range, standard deviation, probabilities of sampling selection, Z-score, T-value, regression and correlation, hypothesis testing, analysis of variance and Chi-square analysis.
Introduces American legal system as it relates to business. Includes contracts, commercial paper, sales, agency, and property.
Introduces use of quantitative methods in business emphasizing quantitative analysis techniques using Microsoft Excel. Includes spreadsheet preparation of financial and operational schedules and application of financial analysis, budgeting and forecasting, economic and investment opportunity analysis, data analytics, programming and mathematical functions relating to supply and demand decision-making.
Emphasis on the managerial application and implications of quantitative analysis techniques. From the management of resources to financial forecasting, financing and investment, the course incorporates the use of quantitative analysis techniques using software applications including Microsoft Excel and Tableau to assist in practical business decision-making and managing organizational goals and strategies. Students employ quantitative analysis to an integrated case study.
Course Prerequisite:
ACC 20364
Introduces development of personal and group norms required for work places. Topics include moral reasoning in business, employee rights and responsibilities of corporations.
Examines how leaders may adjust their approaches to be effective managers. Topics include different psychological approaches to management, impression management techniques, and learning to utilize EQ methods to influence others.
Focuses on process and management of the personnel function including task specialization, selection and placement, development and training, collective bargaining, appraisal and compensation.
Investigation of policies and procedures used for effective employment and staffing, consideration of external and internal recruitment, selection procedures, internal staffing process, application of job design and analysis as related to procedures of employment.
Designed around special theories, practices, or interests of an individual or group.
Introduces students to the specific vocabulary used by health care professionals.
Introduction to the U.S. health care system, major components of the system, and historical development of current health care systems.
Addresses basic budgeting and management systems applicable to various health care industries. Examines development of business budgets using tools and models such as balance sheets, income statements, cash flow analysis, time value of money concepts and project planning techniques specific to health care organizations.
Emphasizes multiple perspective approach to understanding management of complex, evolving health care delivery and reimbursement systems. Introduces basic functional areas and their integration, management roles and processes, organizational culture and politics and the interaction of organizations and their environments.
Focus on leadership as action and understanding others and interpersonal theory as the connection between leadership and communication in an organizational context. Both didactic and experiential teaching methods used. Cross-listed with COM 36364 Leadership and Communication.
Overview of advertising function and its role in the marketing mix. Examines advertising objectives and strategies, client-agency relationships and production techniques for various media. Cross-listed with COM 36964 Principles of Advertising.
This course represents an introduction to management information systems (MIS) as a bridge to solving business-driven issues and strategic decision-making. Emphasis is on theory and practical application in the business environment concentrating on MIS concepts and technology that supports business activities.
Examines relationships between employer and employee. Topics include development of appropriate and legally prescribed standards for measuring work performance, compensation, labor/employee relations, and recruitment, selection, training, development, and appraisal of employees.
Develops conceptual understanding of interpersonal and inter-group conflict in organizations and personal skills in resolving these conflicts as a principal party. Includes intervention strategies used by third parties to mediate conflicts, as well as participation in an organizational simulation. Cross-listed with COM 39664 Managing Conflict.
Development and enhancement of skills for effective writing in public relations settings. Emphasis on standard written communication. Includes development of presentations, press releases, newsletters and brochures. Cross-listed with COM 39764 Public Relations Writing.
Examines financing of an organization from the administrative viewpoint. Consideration of internal financial management as well as external financing and capital structures. Prerequisites: ACC 20364 Accounting for Business Operations and ACC 20464 Accounting for Financing and Investing Activities.
Overview of basic financial systems used in business settings. Includes business planning and budgeting tools and models such as balance sheets, income statements, cash flow analysis, time value of money concepts and project planning techniques.
Focuses on advertising from a managerial viewpoint. Includes administration, advertising research agency relationships, media selection, budget regulation and campaign planning.
MKTG 31863 Principles of Marketing
Survey of public relations, including goal setting, attitude and opinion research, planning, implementation, evaluation and change. Emphasis on communication theory as an integral part of the public relations process. Cross-listed with COM 30566 Public Relations.
Explores case law affecting health care administration. Includes subjects such as health care reimbursement, patient access to health care, organization and operation of the health care business and medical staff relations. Examines ethical issues such as defining death and harvesting organs, withholding or withdrawing medical care, surrogate motherhood and maternal-fetal conflict and patient confidentiality and AIDS.
Introduces international financial markets, theory of exchange rate determination, concepts and measurement of foreign risk exposure, financial instruments to hedge exchange risk and financing of multinational enterprises.
Experience in major area of study. Arranged individually and taken after completion of major coursework. Prerequisite: Consent of academic advisor.
Examines international business, its processes and institutions, especially the multi-national corporation, from several perspectives: historical, business, political, social, cultural, economic, and environmental. Attention given to impact and effect of multi-national corporations upon traditional societies and nationalistic governments. Considers the future of rapidly changing economies and financial markets in the world.
Investigation of management issues and concerns in international settings and exploration of the impact of cultural variables on management. Evaluates the assignment of expatriates, host country nationals and globally selected managers and employees. Considers the variability required in the implementation of major business functions in international settings.
Provides theory and application in project planning, implementation, control and completion. Includes network planning, project evaluation and review techniques (PERT), critical path methods (CPM), management by objectives, management by exception, cost analysis and resource allocation/leveling.
Cross Listed Courses
MIS 41464
Examines human resource functions of salary administration, job evaluation, compensation, legal requirements and benefit designs (including medical, life, retirement and flexible benefits). Emphasis on role of compensation and benefits in attracting, retaining and motivating employees.
Studies current principles and practices in personnel planning, employee training and development. Topics include skill assessment, recognition of organizational and individual needs, establishing learning objectives and methodologies.
Examines how groups within an organization impact the work environment, influence how leaders should manage, and create opportunities for synergy and growth both within and across business units.
Students learn to use communication programs and campaigns to improve and influence public opinion and public policy on behalf of various organization types. Course also focuses on internal communication, reputation management, crisis management, and how to effectively use advertising to create and build organizational identity.
Course is designed to create an understanding of how media works and how to effectively manage communication through the media. Students learn key skills, including how to develop press releases, planning messages to respond to unexpected organizational crisis, and how to effectively interact with media personnel including reporters and advertising executives.
Provides theoretical models and practical experience in the process of organizational change, from the planning stage to implementation and evaluation.
Focuses on integration of functional content areas in field of professional management. Apply theories and techniques of leadership to problems, cases and current issues.
Students focus on a selected business perspective which culminates in a travel-abroad experience. Cross-listed with LAS 45570 IDS: Global Business Perspectives.
Examines the development of health care policy in the U.S. and the influences of societal, political, and economic environments on the health care industry. Explores the interaction of government and other regulatory agencies within the health care industries. Cross-listed with NRSG 46000 Health Care Policy and Regulations.
Undergraduate health professionals course offering a multidisciplinary perspective on Digital Health Informatics from three distinct viewpoints and how they intersect: technological, business, and clinical. The course will cover the foundation of digital health informatics, key digital health developments/methods/challenges, digital health core technologies, and exploration of digital health emerging technologies.
Examines the various aspects of quality: measurement, management, and improvement and how these are conducted in health care organizations. Describes the relationship between quality and reimbursement, particularly in Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement, as well as the growing linkage to commercial payers. Focuses on the theory of quality as well as the process, including studying examples of quality initiatives and organizations that promote quality efforts in health care organizations.
Course provides practical application regarding the creation and use of data to analyze human resources functions.
MAT 10643 College Algebra OR
MAT 20043 Discrete Mathematics OR
MAT 20143 Business Mathematics OR
OAD 31564 Quantitative Methods in Business
Provides overview of management in health organizations with attention to management functions of planning, controlling and organizing. Emphasis on budgeting as application of planning and controlling. Covers setting of objectives, formulation of strategies, decision-making techniques of control and different approaches to establishing authority and responsibility in organizations.
Encompasses the history of leadership theory, leadership styles and the relationship of leadership to ethics, culture, shared governance, individual differences, organizational socialization, technology, decision-making and organizational viability.
Capstone course that guides student to the integration of functional areas of a business firm and analysis of mission and objectives, external environment, and internal strengths and limitations of an organization. Includes formulation of strategies. Prerequisites: FIN 30000 Foundations of Finance, MKTG 30563 Management and OAD 31863 Principles of Marketing.
Capstone course that guides student in the integration of functional content areas in the field of professional human resources. Addresses human resource issues and applies human resource theories and techniques to problems and cases through a process of decision-making. Prerequisite: Completion by human resources majors of all required core courses for human resources.
Capstone course that guides student in the integration of functional content areas in the field of professional management. Addresses management issues and applying management theories and techniques to problems and cases through a process of decision-making. Prerequisite: Completion of all required core courses in the major.
Capstone course that guides students in the integration of functional content areas in the field of health care management. Addresses health care management issues and applies health care management theories and techniques to problems and cases through a process of decision-making. Prerequisite: Completion of all required courses in health care management or permission of advisor.
This course represents the capstone for those students enrolled in the Strategic Business Administration major. The goal of this capstone course is for students to apply practical knowledge with strategic application between functional areas within a business environment. Students engage in a business simulation that helps fortify learning from prior courses and an opportunity to administer theory and practice within a realistic setting. In the simulation, students are confronted with issues surrounding accounting, finance, marketing, production, ethics, and human resources within an integrated business environment. Prerequisites: completion of core courses.
Examines human behavior as it impacts the work organization. Includes theoretical foundations of motivation, group dynamics, leadership, decision-making, satisfaction and performance. Cross-listed with HRC 7611 Organizational Behavior and Theory and BUS 7000 Organizational Behavior and Theory.
Course covers methods for stimulating creativity and innovation, why context matters, and processes for making effective decisions with a focus on sustainable competitive advantage. Topics include practice in creative problem solving through in-class exercises and the creation of a plan to move the students' own organizations to the next level of creativity. Cross-listed with BUS 7015 The Creative Organization.
Study of personal and corporate value systems and decision making. Investigation of personal beliefs, purposes and attitudes, and their effects on self and others. Examines the ethical dimensions of organizational structures and practices. Cross-listed with HRF 7001 Value Systems and Professional Ethics and BUS 7200 Value Systems and Professional Ethics.
Research shows emotional intelligence (EI) is more important than IQ in determining outstanding job performance. Examines variety of instruments and writings used to build EI in workplace. Cross-listed with HRC 5734 Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace and HRC 7341 Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace.
Integration of human resources with strategic business functions and planning. Examines issues of structure, staffing, effectiveness, performance and assessment and diversity within organizations. Cross-listed with BUS 7100 Human Resource Planning and Administration and HRC 7411 Human Resource Planning and Administration.
Covers the identification and selection of marketing opportunities, target markets and design, and implementation and evaluation of marketing programs. Cross-listed with BUS 7450 Strategic Marketing.
Cover fundamentals, purpose and role of the training and development function in human resources. Includes needs assessment, program development, methods and technologies, management development, and evaluation of interventions. Cross-listed with HRC 7601 Training and Development.
Examines the use of computer information systems in business organizations with emphasis on how information technology supports business functions and aids managerial decision-making. Explores current trends and emerging technologies. Cross-listed with BUS 7700 Introduction to Management Information Systems.