An introduction to the architecture, operation, and application of microprocessors. Topics include assembly language programming, addressing, system clock and timing, serial and parallel ports, input/output devices, and interrupts.
CST 20363
Cross Listed Courses
EGR 30003
This course introduces the core concepts of cloud computing. Students will gain the foundational knowledge required to understand cloud computing from a technical business perspective and become a cloud practitioner. The most critical APIs used in the Amazon and Microsoft Cloud environments, including the techniques for building, deploying, and maintaining machine images and applications, will be examined. Students will learn about the various cloud service models (laaS, PaaS, SaaS) and deployment models (Public, Private, Hybrid) and the critical components of cloud infrastructure (VMs, Networking, Storage - File, Block, Object, CDN).
ITS 20263
Cross Listed Courses
ITS 30004
This course explores advanced topics in cyber security. Students will be exposed to a wide spectrum of security activities, methods, methodologies, and procedures with emphasis on practical aspects of Information Security. Topics include security principles, threats, attacks, security models, security policies, an overview of authentication, encryption, and certifications, security detection, business risk analysis, protection of information assets, examination of pre- and post-incident procedures, and an overview of the information security evaluation.
DST 20003
Cross Listed Courses
DST 30006
Course provides student with the opportunity to develop professional and technical skills through project-based learning. Students will work collaboratively on a business project that encompasses many areas of technology, discovering in the process how each technical component contributes to the cohesive whole.
This course provides the transition from Introduction to Computer Programming to the object-oriented paradigm. Proper formulation and abstraction of the problem domain in the programming process to build robust, flexible and extensible programs are emphasized. The student learns how design patterns help formulate and implement abstractions in an effective and sophisticated manner. The course covers data structures and algorithms to manipulate them from essential to programming, such as lists, stacks, queues, trees, and tables.
Prerequisite: CST/
ITS 16163 Introduction to Computer Programming
Cross Listed Courses
ITS 35566
Students will be introduced to the concepts and mechanics of modeling and animation in 2D/3D environments to further study and explore utilizing software to render the course concepts' development.
ITS 35505
Cross Listed Courses
ART 37640