Learn to design, implement, and evaluate materials and instructional techniques for early through late adolescent learner. Topics include the pillars of the science of reading, assessing readability of materials across content areas. Learn to evaluate student reading skills, teaching vocabulary, comprehension and study skills, working with at risk students, and incorporating writing into curriculum.
PSY 12053 General Psychology,
EDU 20100 Educational Psychology), one 3-credit hour MAT course prior to enrolling in this course, and Admittance to the School of Education. Co-current enrollment in
EDU 46000 Advanced Teaching Practicum.
Identify and apply the theoretical and foundational knowledge for reading, writing, listening, and speaking as set forth in the five pillars of literacy instruction supported by the science of reading research. Realize and apply current evidence-based best practices aligned to the science of reading and utilizes the principles and individual elements of structured literacy (i.e. phonology, alphabetic principle, syllable types and division, morphology, syntax, and semantics) when planning and implementing engaging literacy instruction for Pre-K and elementary students. Develop an understanding of the interrelated components of general literacy and disciplinary specific literacy processes that serve as a foundation for all learning (preK to 8th grade).
PSY 12053 General Psychology,
EDU 20100 Educational Psychology, and admittance to the School of Education.
Realize appropriate and various literacy assessment strategies (phonological awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, reading comprehension, listening comprehension, writing, and emergent literacy) to engage learners (pre-K to 12th grade) in their own growth. Develop an understanding of the impact of external factors (eg. language, family, and community dynamics) on student learning. Acquire skills to determine how to select, implement and analyze screening, diagnostic and progress monitoring data of learners’ language acquisition and literacy development for instruction. Learn to use appropriate data for accountability purposes, to identify students at risk for specific difficulties and disabilities (such as but not limited to dyslexia and dysgraphia), and to create individualized interventions.
PSY 12053 General Psychology,
EDU 20100 Educational Psychology, and Admittance to the School of Education
Explores challenges of teachers in evaluating the needs of individual students in the classroom. Learn to innovative possibilities for instruction to enhance learning for all students. Realize the benefits of personalized instruction.
Examine the format and alignment of ELL Proficiency Standards to the Arizona Language Arts Academic Standards. Analyze and apply disaggregated data to integrate instruction as well as diagnostic, formative, and summative assessments for ELLs. Describe the legal, historical and educational reasons for SEI. Further identify and use multiple strategies to improve student achievement by integrating: 1. comprehensible input; 2. ongoing, specific and immediate feedback; 3. grouping structures and techniques; 4. building background and vocabulary development; and 5. integrating student engagement. Scrutinize various influences on ELLs such as Language shift, self-concept, and the role of family and community in learning.
Admittance to the School of Education and EDU 31233 Educational Psychology
Observe and work under the direction of a school-based setting. On-site mentors and university supervisors will guide this experience. A minimum of 60 hours in the field setting is required.
PSY 12053 General Psychology,
EDU 20100 Educational Psychology, one 3-credit hour MAT course, and Admittance to the School of Education
Supervised application of course content in a PreK - 12 setting. Emphasis on strategies for English language learner in lesson planning, implementation and evaluation for both small and large group instruction.
Reflective Practice activities associated with preservice student teaching experiences or teacher apprenticeship culmination. Activities include reflective journals, disposition reflections and components of identifying present and future professional development needs. On-site mentors and university supervisors will guide this experience. This is a school classroom-based experience.
Pre-requisite: Completion of all teacher education preparation coursework prior to engaging in the student teaching experience. Candidates must have a 3.0 gpa, initial licensing or certification taken, background check (KS) or IVP card (AZ), and TB test (KS), and Education Department approval. Request for student teaching placement must be made the semester prior to student teaching.
Students will create and submit an electronic portfolio, selecting from a variety of strategies for development, organization, storage, and presentation. The portfolio is a collection of material that demonstrates proficiency in relation to national and state standards.
Clinical Practice activities associated with preservice student teaching experiences or teacher apprenticeship culmination. On-site mentors and university supervisors will guide this experience. Activities include, observations, feedback evaluations, planning and designing, implementing, and assessing lessons and instructional units. This is a school classroom-based experience.
Completion of all teacher education preparation coursework prior to engaging in the student teaching experience. Candidates must have a 3.0 gpa, initial licensing or certification taken, background check (KS) or IVP card (AZ), and TB test (KS), and Education Department approval. Request for student teaching placement must be made the semester prior to student teaching.
Capstone activities associated with preservice student teaching experiences or teacher apprenticeship culmination. Activities may include, but not limited to, professional development in trauma informed care, ELL instruction, dyslexia, balanced assessments, life-career balance and parent-community involvement. Final teaching worksample portfolio (action research) will be submitted in this course. Other programming gaps may be covered in this course. This is a classroom-based experience.
Completion of all teacher education preparation coursework prior to engaging in the student teaching experience. Candidates must have a 3.0 gpa, initial licensing or certification exams taken, background check (KS) or IVP card (AZ), and TB test (KS), and Education Department approval. Co-current enrollment in EDU 49500 Clinical Lab is required.